
Here you will find how to tie different types of knots just click on the name of the knot

Here you will find how to tie different types of knots
just click on the name of the knot


Anchor Bend  A good knot for tying an anchor to a rope. Backup Knot Add security to a primary knot.
Better Bow Knot A more secure shoelace knot. Blake’s Hitch Arborist ascending/descending knot.
Bowline Forms a secure loop. Bowline On A Bight Forms a loop in the middle of a line.
Buntline Hitch Tie items to the end of a rope. Butterfly Knot Form a secure loop in the middle of a rope.
Carrick Bend Join heavy ropes together. Cleat Hitch  Use to tie a rope to a cleat on a boat or dock.
Clove Hitch A simple knot to tie a rope to a post. Cow Hitch Tie a rope to a post or object.
Constrictor Knot Tie up bundles of items. Double Fisherman’s Join two ropes.
Figure Eight The strongest knot for a loop at the end of a rope. Girth Hitch Attach a strap loop to an object.
Half Hitch Basic overhand knot. Heaving Line Knot Adds weight to the end of a rope.
Honda Knot The lasso knot. Klemheist Knot Climber’s movable loop knot
Mooring Hitch Quick release knot. Munter Hitch Climbing belay knot.
Pile Hitch Attach a rope to an object. Prusik Knot Secures a movable loop to another line.
Rolling Bend Secure a line to a post. Rolling Hitch Secure a line to a post.
Running Bowline A slip knot. Sheep Shank Use to shorted a rope.
Sheet Bend Join ropes of unequal size. Slip Knot Another knot for a sliding loop.
Slipped Buntline A quick release knot. Stopper Knot A stopper knot for the end of a rope.
Square Knot Secure non critical items. Tautline Hitch An adjustable knot.
Timber Hitch Secure a rope around a post. Trucker’s Hitch Load securing knot.
Valdotain Tresse Arborist ascending/descending knot. Water Knot Best knot for webbing.
Yosemite Bowline A very secure loop knot.
HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III