Here you will find how to tie different types of knots
just click on the name of the knot
Anchor Bend | A good knot for tying an anchor to a rope. | Backup Knot | Add security to a primary knot. |
Better Bow Knot | A more secure shoelace knot. | Blake’s Hitch | Arborist ascending/descending knot. |
Bowline | Forms a secure loop. | Bowline On A Bight | Forms a loop in the middle of a line. |
Buntline Hitch | Tie items to the end of a rope. | Butterfly Knot | Form a secure loop in the middle of a rope. |
Carrick Bend | Join heavy ropes together. | Cleat Hitch | Use to tie a rope to a cleat on a boat or dock. |
Clove Hitch | A simple knot to tie a rope to a post. | Cow Hitch | Tie a rope to a post or object. |
Constrictor Knot | Tie up bundles of items. | Double Fisherman’s | Join two ropes. |
Figure Eight | The strongest knot for a loop at the end of a rope. | Girth Hitch | Attach a strap loop to an object. |
Half Hitch | Basic overhand knot. | Heaving Line Knot | Adds weight to the end of a rope. |
Honda Knot | The lasso knot. | Klemheist Knot | Climber’s movable loop knot |
Mooring Hitch | Quick release knot. | Munter Hitch | Climbing belay knot. |
Pile Hitch | Attach a rope to an object. | Prusik Knot | Secures a movable loop to another line. |
Rolling Bend | Secure a line to a post. | Rolling Hitch | Secure a line to a post. |
Running Bowline | A slip knot. | Sheep Shank | Use to shorted a rope. |
Sheet Bend | Join ropes of unequal size. | Slip Knot | Another knot for a sliding loop. |
Slipped Buntline | A quick release knot. | Stopper Knot | A stopper knot for the end of a rope. |
Square Knot | Secure non critical items. | Tautline Hitch | An adjustable knot. |
Timber Hitch | Secure a rope around a post. | Trucker’s Hitch | Load securing knot. |
Valdotain Tresse | Arborist ascending/descending knot. | Water Knot | Best knot for webbing. |
Yosemite Bowline | A very secure loop knot. |