Our Scout Troop…
The Scout section covers ages 10½ – 14, and members are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme. “Participation” rather than meeting set standards is the key approach.
Scouts take part in a balanced programme that helps them to find out about the world in which they live, encourages them to know their own abilities, to explore their own values and personal attitudes. Being outdoors is important and much of the Programme is given over to taking part in both the traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking as well as a wide range of adventurous activities, anything from abseiling to kayaking. Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life.
At Scouts in 1st Tidworth, you will have lots of games taught to you, lots of skills built upon and lots of fun given to you. The scout troops go back to basics every few months to teach you what you didn’t know. Then you move on to more complicated knots, pioneering, first aid, emergency procedures and topics about nature. The basics of scouting include the 6 basic knots, simple pioneering, the CPR procedure and lots lots more. The scouts continue to run a balanced programme organised by the individual section leaders.
Our scouts have a lot of fun all year round whether the weather be snow or sun. We know you will not get involved unless you are enjoying what you are offered and we try to make sure everything we do is a fun experience. We try to give you as much independence as we can, it’s up to you to show us that you know when its time to go crazy then when to slow down when you need to concentrate on something serious that will allow you to take a step forward.
Meeting Times
Thursdays – 19:15 – 21:00 Hrs.
Click here to see the Leaders.
Join in
If you are interested in your child joining scouts, hit the ‘Join Now’ button on the Right!
We are always looking for adult volunteers. Would you like to be part of something amazing?
Part of Scouting’s mission statement is…
To help young people achieve their full, physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as respected members of their local, national and international communities.
Roles range from committee members to parent helpers and uniformed leaders, it doesn’t matter how much you do, every little helps! Contact us for more details.
(Scout Troop) Unnamed meeting
13th Feb
1:00 am - 1:00 am
Scout Troop
(Scout Troop) Unnamed meeting
20th Feb
1:00 am - 1:00 am
Scout Troop
(Scout Troop) Unnamed meeting
27th Feb
1:00 am - 1:00 am
Scout Troop